Saturday, May 31, 2025
Half Marathon
Start Time: 7:30 a.m.
- Start Location:
Hastings Middle School Finish Location:
Hastings CollegeParticipants may walk or run.
However, there will be a 4 hour cut-off.
Half Relay
Start Time: 7:30 a.m.
- Start Location:
Hastings Middle School Finish Location:
Hastings CollegeTeams of up to 3 people (route is divided in thirds). Runners are responsible for transportation to and from exchange sites.
- Start Time: 8:30 a.m.
- Start Location:
Near Bronco statue at Hastings College Arena Finish Location:
Hastings CollegeParticipants may walk or run.
1-Mile Fun Run
Start Time: Immediately after 5K start.
- Start Location:
Hastings College Kids welcome!
Race packets and shirts can be picked up on the Friday before race day from 3-7 p.m. at:
Hastings Middle School
Main building entrance.
201 N. Marian Road
Hastings, NE 68901
Last minute pickup will be available at each race venue one hour before the races start.
Parking will be available at:
- Hastings Middle School – Half Marathon Start
- Hastings College – Half Marathon Finish / 5K Start & Finish / 1-Mile Fun Run
- Before 6:30am – Transport provided from finish area at Hastings College to starting area at Hastings Middle School
- 9:30am – Noon – Transport provided from finish area at Hastings College to Hastings Middle School
- At each aid station there will be the following: water, sports drink, a portable toilet, and communication to the emergency medical system.
- The half marathon will have six aid stations (every 2 miles).
- The 5K will have two aid stations.
- The awards ceremony will begin at in the stage area near the finish line immediately following each race.
- Awards will be offered in both individual and group categories for all events 5K and higher.
- The top 3 finishers (male and female) in each age division will be awarded (5K and Half Marathon). NOTE – There will be no duplication of awards.
- The top overall finishers (male and female) will be awarded (5K and Half Marathon).
- Half Relay awards TBD.
Breakfast to follow events for all registered participants – Breakfast Burritos!

- An awesome tank top
- Race medal
- Excellent breakfast – including our world famous breakfast burrito!
- Great spectator support
- A finish line celebration including the opportunity to ring the PR bell!
- A beer from First Street Brewing (downtown after the race)

Hastings Middle School
- Half Marathon Start
- HMS restrooms will be open, Port-a-potties available outside
- Staff with information at start line
- Each park along the route will have restrooms
- Most water stops have port-potties or restrooms
Hastings College Lynn Farrell Arena
Locker rooms will be open for men’s and women’s showers and changing
- Half Marathon Finish
- 5K Start (12th Street just north of the Bronco statue) & Finish
1-Mile Fun Run